Auriculotherapy Certification Institute
Ethical Principles of Auriculotherapy
Because the Auriculotherapy Certification Institute (ACI) and its certificants are committed to the protection of human rights, its certificants strive to maintain the dignity and worth of the individual while rendering service, conducting research and training others. Since auriculotherapy is not an independent profession, all certificants are expected to belong to and operate within the principles of ethics governing their own discipline and those outlined herein. The certificants strive to provide optimun quality services and to differentiate for those served whether procedures provided have been proven effective clinically, or if such procedures are experimental. They accept responsibility for their actions and make every effort to protect the welfare of those they serve. They limit their services to those areas in which they have skills and expertise and recognize the need for competence, objectivity, freedom of inquiry, and honest communication.
This document of ethical principles is intended for use by all ACI certificants. Licensure and certification laws and regulations should reflect and support these principles and acceptance as ACI certification commits the certificant to adhere to these principles. A copy of these ethical principles will be sent to all applicants for ACI certification. The principles are intended to be preventive, educational, guiding, and action-oriented, and are to be applied with professional maturity. Certificants are required to co-operate with the Ethics and Standards Committees of ACI by responding promptly and completely, in writing, to inquiries from Ethics and Standards Review Committees. In addition, certificants are subject to the principles of ethics of their own professional disciplines. Lack of response may be a basis for reprimand and decertification. Individuals who are not ACI certificants, but who practice auriculotherapy, are encouraged to adhere to these ethical standards to help maintain and improve the image of auriculotherapy providers.
The Ethical Principles of Auriculotherapy (EPOA) consist of a set of guidelines agreed to by the ACI which outline the moral duty, obligation, or custom on how certificants should behave professionally. The ethical principles that follow are not all-inclusive and should not be viewed as limiting the scope of ethical responsibility of ACI certificants. Rather. the principles that follow point out and underscore particular areas in which there is concern.
1. The EPOA are to be adhered to by ACI certificants and certificants must assure that the principles are adhered to by their employees engaged in auriculotherapy and auriculotherapy related activities, and individuals receiving training in the use of auriculotherapy under their supervision. ACI certificants will inform their employers of these Ethical Principles and will make every effort to urge their employers to co-operate with them in adhering to these principles.
2. The EPOA constitute the guidelines against which the ethical conduct of a ACI certificant is measured.
3. A violation of the EPOA may lead to disciplinary action decertification, and or a letter to the appropriate state licensing/certifying agent or the state or national association of the individual’s professional discipline concerning the charges or action.
A. Responsibility
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
C. Standards
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
E. Confidentiality
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
G. Professional Relationships
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
B. Competence
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
D. Public Statement
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
F. Protection of Client Rights and Welfare
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
H. Research with Humans and Animals
- Each ACI certificant is responsible for adhering to the ethical principles of their profession; the local, state and federal laws relevant to their professional activities; and the Ethical Principles of ACI.
- As practitioners, ACI certificants recognize their obligation to help clients acquire knowledge and skill within the confines of the highest professional standards and in the most cost efficient/effective manner possible.
- As teachers, ACI certificants encourage the free pursuit of learning by their students, consistent with the best interest of their obligation to help others acquire knowledge and skill, and present information objectively, accurately and fully. They are guided by a conviction of the worth of advancement of knowledge.
- All ACI certificants are responsible to be alert to and report to the ACI Ethics Committee false claims and misrepresentative statements about auriculotherapy, either as individuals, or through mechanisms available from ACI, or other professional organizations.
- All practitioners realize that their professional activities with clients may result in changes in the lives of those clients and others. As such, practitioners guard against misuse of their influence and actions.
- Auriculotherapy services are continued only as long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship. If another type of intervention is needed for which the practitioner is not qualified, the practitioner assists the person in obtaining the appropriate therapeutic services. Clients are never to be abandoned.
The major concerns of the Ethics Committee of ACI are to protect the public against unethical practices by ACI certificants and to educate the certificants concerning acceptable ethical practice. The committee attempts to have complaints resolved by the Ethics Committee of a certificant’s profession whenever possible. When that avenue fails, is inappropriate, or when the ACI certificants are not professionally licensed or certified, the committee attempts to resolve complaints privately and informally and to recommend disciplinary action when unethical conduct is found to exist. The goal of the Ethics Committee is to be constructive and educative, rather than punitive. The committee will attempt to have the complaint resolved by the local or state auriculotherapy society, if one exists. When a complaint is received, the formal procedures of the ACI will be followed.
Individuals desiring more information about the ethical principles or wishing to register a complaint may contact the ACI Executive Director.
Adopted by ACI Board August 11, 1999.